In the wake of catastrophic events like fires, floods, and typhoons, the Chummy Chum team always thinks of the victims, especially children from the most vulnerable families.
In the first week of August, a devastating fire destroyed around 100 homes in Zapote, Bacoor Cavite. Responding quickly, the team organized a Feeding Program and Gift Giving event for the children affected by the disaster. They prepared champorado to address the children’s hunger, complemented by apples, cupcakes, popcorn, and juice drinks. Each child also received a 2-kg pack of rice.
To help alleviate the trauma and anxiety caused by the fire, the Chummy Chum team provided special gifts such as Chummy Chum pillows, coloring books, and wristbands. These items aimed to offer comfort and distraction from the distressing experience.
The children were delighted to see Chummy Chum (the mascot) who spent time with them and played games.
Though the event was brief, it was a resounding success, bringing smiles and relief to the young ones in a challenging time.