No. 160: Elaine, 6, Microcephaly Cerebral Palsy, Quezon City General Hospital.
Elaine was born with Microcephaly Cerebral Palsy, causing her frequent seizures. She has been bedridden due to limb paralysis as a result of her congenital medical condition. The treatment is lifetime management. Elaine has 4 siblings. The father is a helper in a private company and works 4x a week since the pandemic started. The mother who used to help to earn income out of getting laundry from neighbors could no longer get laundry jobs, the effect of the health crisis. Elaine was due for a series of clinical tests, for which the parents had no idea how and where they could get their resources from.
Extending worth Php 10,000 assistance for Elaine’s clinical laboratory tests, maintenance medicines, and grocery items to share with the family.
Amount has to be mentioned for transparency.