July 26, 2022, Tuesday, NCH Hemaward
The Chummy Chum team received a request from the National Children’s Hospital (NCH) in support of sick children who need palliative care, a kind of care that requires an interdisciplinary medical caregiving approach aimed at optimizing the quality of life and mitigating suffering among people with serious, complex, and often terminal illnesses, with death as the outcome.
The Chummy Chum team accepted the request right away. It was about 3 weeks away, but the team started to prepare for the children. The head of the team really did her best to come up with great surprises for the children. Her effort paid off.
The most awaited date came. The team drove off early. When they arrived at the hospital, they set up the table with lots of toys, food, and freebies. The children from the Hemaward Out-Patient Department were so excited. The program started with a video clip about Palliative Care. After watching, the children were served popcorn, and food packs and surprised with lots of gifts.
Chummy Chum (the mascot) joined the children at the OPD and had a brief engagement with each child. Then, they proceed to the ward where some children are confined. Chummy Chum said hello and gave each of the patients gifts and a high five. Every child both from the hospital room and OPD was very happy with the unexpected surprises.
It was 2 years ago when the Chummy Chum team last visited the National Children’s Hospital.
The event was brief but one of the most memorable for the children as well as the Chummy Chum team.
Thank you for the unwavering love for the children of the founders of CCFPI, the tireless service of the team, to SM Store Sucat for the toys, Mam Resli for the Hello Kitty stuff toys, Ms. Jentricia for biscuits on the tub, Nutri-Booster for energy-cereals, and Minay family for kids’ vitamins.
